I think you are bored, so you just clicked this blog right? Would like to know in the comments below๐ !
Today's BLOG:
The Word Guessing Game
Made by Omar
I feel you are bored from programming and want to do something else right? Tell me in the comments. I also sometimes had the same thing ๐ too. Funny, right ?
Without further talking, let's get into it!
1. The basics - Libraries
To start our guessing game, we need the help of librares which will make our code much easier, today we will need random
library. Which will help us to choose a random word from a list of words given by us.
To import random
let's put the following command!
import random # Import random library
from random import * # Import all submodules in random
1. The basics - Variables & Function for using random word
Also, we need variables which make our game functional and also fun!
So let's create the variables we need for our game project.
# function for choosing random word.
def choose():
# list of word
words = ['rainbow', 'computer', 'science', 'programming',
'mathematics', 'player', 'condition', 'reverse',
'water', 'board', 'hashnode']
# choice() method randomly choose
# any word from the list.
pick = random.choice(words)
return pick
2. The real programming time - Dive in
So now lets start making the game functional to be able to played and enjoyed by user.
Part 1:
# Function for shuffling the
# characters of the chosen word.
def jumble(word):
# sample() method shuffling the characters of the word
random_word = random.sample(word, len(word))
# join() method join the elements
# of the iterator(e.g. list) with particular character .
jumbled = ''.join(random_word)
return jumbled
# Function for showing final score.
def thank(p1n, p2n, p1, p2):
print(p1n, 'Your score is :', p1)
print(p2n, 'Your score is :', p2)
# check_win() function calling
check_win(p1n, p2n, p1, p2)
print('Thanks for playing...')
# Function for declaring winner
def check_win(player1, player2, p1score, p2score):
if p1score > p2score:
print("winner is :", player1)
elif p2score > p1score:
print("winner is :", player2)
print("Draw..Well Played guys..")
Part 2:
# Function for playing the game.
def play():
# enter player1 and player2 name
p1name = input("player 1, Please enter your name :")
p2name = input("Player 2 , Please enter your name: ")
# variable for counting score.
pp1 = 0
pp2 = 0
# variable for counting turn
turn = 0
# keep looping
while True:
# choose() function calling
picked_word = choose()
# jumble() function calling
qn = jumble(picked_word)
print("jumbled word is :", qn)
# checking turn is odd or even
if turn % 2 == 0:
# if turn no. is even
# player1 turn
print(p1name, 'Your Turn.')
ans = input("what is in your mind? ")
# checking ans is equal to picked_word or not
if ans == picked_word:
# incremented by 1
pp1 += 1
print('Your score is :', pp1)
turn += 1
print("Better luck next time ..")
# player 2 turn
print(p2name, 'Your turn.')
ans = input('what is in your mind? ')
if ans == picked_word:
pp2 += 1
print("Your Score is :", pp2)
print("Better luck next time...correct word is :", picked_word)
c = int(input("press 1 to continue and 0 to quit :"))
# checking the c is equal to 0 or not
# if c is equal to 0 then break out
# of the while loop o/w keep looping.
if c == 0:
# thank() function calling
thank(p1name, p2name, pp1, pp2)
# if turn no. is odd
# player2 turn
print(p2name, 'Your turn.')
ans = input('what is in your mind? ')
if ans == picked_word:
pp2 += 1
print("Your Score is :", pp2)
turn += 1
print("Better luck next time.. :")
print(p1name, 'Your turn.')
ans = input('what is in your mind? ')
if ans == picked_word:
pp1 += 1
print("Your Score is :", pp1)
print("Better luck next time...correct word is :", picked_word)
c = int(input("press 1 to continue and 0 to quit :"))
if c == 0:
# thank() function calling
thank(p1name, p2name, pp1, pp2)
c = int(input("press 1 to continue and 0 to quit :"))
if c == 0:
# thank() function calling
thank(p1name, p2name, pp1, pp2)
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
# play() function calling
We are done!
Let's try it, I will share the output with you, and would like to see your result too in the comments section ! ๐
player 1, Please enter your name : Omar
Player 2 , Please enter your name: Texas
jumbled word is : darbo
Omar Your Turn.
what is in your mind? board
Your score is : 1
jumbled word is : ngioragmpmr
Texas Your turn.
what is in your mind? program
Better luck next time.. :
Omar Your turn.
what is in your mind? programming
Your Score is : 2
press 1 to continue and 0 to quit :1
jumbled word is : aronbiw
Texas Your turn.
what is in your mind? rainbow
Your Score is : 1
press 1 to continue and 0 to quit :0
Omar Your score is : 2
Texas Your score is : 1
winner is : Omar
Thanks for playing...
Output Screenshot:
Full code :
# Python program for jumbled words game.
# import random module
import random
# function for choosing random word.
def choose():
# list of word
words = ['rainbow', 'computer', 'science', 'programming',
'mathematics', 'player', 'condition', 'reverse',
'water', 'board', 'hashnode']
# choice() method randomly choose
# any word from the list.
pick = random.choice(words)
return pick
# Function for shuffling the
# characters of the chosen word.
def jumble(word):
# sample() method shuffling the characters of the word
random_word = random.sample(word, len(word))
# join() method join the elements
# of the iterator(e.g. list) with particular character .
jumbled = ''.join(random_word)
return jumbled
# Function for showing final score.
def thank(p1n, p2n, p1, p2):
print(p1n, 'Your score is :', p1)
print(p2n, 'Your score is :', p2)
# check_win() function calling
check_win(p1n, p2n, p1, p2)
print('Thanks for playing...')
# Function for declaring winner
def check_win(player1, player2, p1score, p2score):
if p1score > p2score:
print("winner is :", player1)
elif p2score > p1score:
print("winner is :", player2)
print("Draw..Well Played guys..")
# Function for playing the game.
def play():
# enter player1 and player2 name
p1name = input("player 1, Please enter your name :")
p2name = input("Player 2 , Please enter your name: ")
# variable for counting score.
pp1 = 0
pp2 = 0
# variable for counting turn
turn = 0
# keep looping
while True:
# choose() function calling
picked_word = choose()
# jumble() function calling
qn = jumble(picked_word)
print("jumbled word is :", qn)
# checking turn is odd or even
if turn % 2 == 0:
# if turn no. is even
# player1 turn
print(p1name, 'Your Turn.')
ans = input("what is in your mind? ")
# checking ans is equal to picked_word or not
if ans == picked_word:
# incremented by 1
pp1 += 1
print('Your score is :', pp1)
turn += 1
print("Better luck next time ..")
# player 2 turn
print(p2name, 'Your turn.')
ans = input('what is in your mind? ')
if ans == picked_word:
pp2 += 1
print("Your Score is :", pp2)
print("Better luck next time...correct word is :", picked_word)
c = int(input("press 1 to continue and 0 to quit :"))
# checking the c is equal to 0 or not
# if c is equal to 0 then break out
# of the while loop o/w keep looping.
if c == 0:
# thank() function calling
thank(p1name, p2name, pp1, pp2)
# if turn no. is odd
# player2 turn
print(p2name, 'Your turn.')
ans = input('what is in your mind? ')
if ans == picked_word:
pp2 += 1
print("Your Score is :", pp2)
turn += 1
print("Better luck next time.. :")
print(p1name, 'Your turn.')
ans = input('what is in your mind? ')
if ans == picked_word:
pp1 += 1
print("Your Score is :", pp1)
print("Better luck next time...correct word is :", picked_word)
c = int(input("press 1 to continue and 0 to quit :"))
if c == 0:
# thank() function calling
thank(p1name, p2name, pp1, pp2)
c = int(input("press 1 to continue and 0 to quit :"))
if c == 0:
# thank() function calling
thank(p1name, p2name, pp1, pp2)
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
# play() function calling
You reached the end of the blog
I hope you liked it, don't forget to smash the like button, and comment for any new features for the game or new blogs, and see you IN THE NEXT!
Good day!
Kind regards,
~ Omar The Developer